
Crying cracks say ….

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

We often find cracks – structural or non-structural – in constructed elements. Distinction between both the types need a thread bear Technical analysis.

Cracks occur because of these reasons.

  1. Pressure from one side of the element which can’t be resisted by the element as a whole.
  2. Stresses generated within the element.
  3. External thrust or impact,
  4. Differential settlement / expansion / contraction (shrinkage).
  5. Humidity ingress.
  6. Change in service condition of the element.
  7. Distress in under designed structures.

There could also be few more reasons for crack formation in the element.

Crack is a separation plane within a homogeneous element which is beginning of the distress within the element. While depth and width of any crack can’t be ignored, its formation can’t also be neglected because it gives an avenue or access for deteriorating elements (gaseous or liquid or solid) to enter the element and reach its core. If this element is hygroscopic in nature, it make its approach easier to reach the core of concrete. Methods are available in the world of non-destructive and semi destructive testing for reaching the reason of generation of crack. Successful sealing of crack can be declared only when it doesn’t reoccur.

Bridging the crack can be done in many ways but if it is done without knowing its reason, it might reoccur. It is noteworthy that more often than not just sealing the crack or bridging it with a filler paste or a shrinkage free compound may not be enough, because that is not a scientific repair of crack.

Accord Specialities Contracting LLC has a unique experience and knowledge to analyse any crack irrespective of its plane of existence or its reason. The cracked structures attended and repaired by Accord Specialities Contracting LLC have not shown any sign of recurrence of cracks at least for one year.

Remember Accord Specialities Contracting LLC for rectifying any cracked structure.

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Construction chemical

Construction Management

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Managing construction of any magnitude needs a focussed attention for completing the assignment within time frame and budget with all necessary safety measures.

Construction Management has many tools and faces which are ultimately to be interlinked to make the assignment successful. Few of them are briefly discussed below.

  1. Safe and conceptually clear structural design.

The structural design of the unit to be taken up for construction has to be very clear and safe. Any ambiguity or inadequacy or incomplete detailing leads to loss of time and efforts for necessary rectification. The pre-requisite for safe and clear structural design is conceptual clarity with the facility owner. Functionality of the unit to be taken up for construction must be well defined and conveyed to the structural designer so that the factors to be considered for structural design are properly addressed and nothing is left unattended. Change in functionality than the one which was conceived will have its effects on structural design. A commercial complex can’t be used as an industrial unit.

  1. Resource Management.

Once the structural design and drawings are available for execution, then the next step Is to identify the resources for execution.

Resources compile of two types – skilled workforce and consumable materials with necessary tools and tackles.

Once the structural design is frozen, resources have to be sourced and allocated for the assignment with commitment of their availability upto the total execution period. Sourcing of materials with necessary tools and tackles also needs to be ensured and confirmed for their uninterrupted availability throughout the execution period.

  1. Activity synchronization.

Synchronization of all the activities involved for the assignment is very important with sequencing them so that they are executed without any obstruction and also without causing any uncalled-for safety hazard. Sequencing them is very essential because any alteration in the chronological sequence of the activities can be unsafe for the construction action. Squeezing the time frame attached with any activity – if it is called for, can be carried out under this tool for the ultimate benefit to the project.

  1. Commercial balance between input cost and output gain.

It is mandatory to monitor commercial side of any construction activity.

Flow of funds should be balanced on their input side and outflow direction. If inflow gets obstructed, then the entire economics gets affected with its cascading effects on the overall execution schedule.

Fund outflow (in form of payment to the suppliers or interest charges) is also equally important. It has its implications on interest charges (if the funding of the project is outsourced).

  1. External factors.

External factors like environmental effects, neighbouring structures, natural calamities, riots etc can affect the construction schedule. They can’t be controlled by the construction team and hence they have to be resolved by taking help of local authorities.

  1. Safety aspects.

Safety is a mental attitude. It always stands on top of all the activities on field. Construction management is incomplete without adherence to safety.

The domain of safety covers personal safety as well as safety of the structure under construction.

It is a fact that ten minor or ‘near-mis’ accidents lead to one major accident. Hence all out efforts are necessary for plugging all the unsafe acts so that safety matter is perfectly adhered during the construction.

The result of any unsafe act is chaotic and ends up in loss of time, energy and moral for execution of the work.

  1. Time Management.

Time has always remained crux of any activity. Timely actions are bound to give results and if actions have not been taken in time, they can bring only agonies.

Time factor in construction activities have direct influence on economics of the assignment. Any delay in executing one or more activities ends up in delay in putting the unit (under construction) to use which is direct loss of production / remuneration expected from the unit. Delay in execution period also affects the execution cost where more than estimated manpower are consumed in execution at higher cost of consumable materials for execution.   

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Construction chemical

Construction chemicals and structural rehabilitation

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Of course, structural rehabilitation and construction chemicals walk hand in hand and by matching shoulders to shoulders.

Rehabilitation of a damaged structure is a process like treating a wounded patient which needs some external medicines, some injectables and some finishing bandages. Similar is the process of rehabilitating a damaged structure.

Just as the treatment starts with laboratory tests for the patient, the tests (non destructive or semi destructive) are carried out on the structure to know the damage potential and severity. Immediately the role of (construction) chemicals begin.

  1. Wounds of corrosion on the concrete and steel structures are cleaned and applied with a proper coating for its healing and protection.
  2. Some extra protective padding (similar to the cotton padding) in form of sacrificial anodes are then placed around the damaged portion of the structure).
  3. Next stage of the treatment is injectables for the internal treatment which is for an invisible damage. This is of course with a purpose of increasing the immunity of the damaged member to resist further abuse.
  4. Once all these actions are done, then comes a final stage of bandage. Just as it is done with the help of cotton and medicines in case of a wound, it is done with chemicals and additional reinforcement for damaged concrete members.
  5. Curing the damaged human organ or a concrete member is the ultimate goalpost which is then achieved with the set of medicines / chemicals and instruments / tools and tackles.
  6. Repairing a wound and rehabilitating a damaged concrete member have similar analogy which is incomplete without medicines / (construction) chemicals.

Construction chemicals and construction additives / supplements are often treated with similar thrust while both have different functioning. Construction chemicals have more effectiveness to “heal the wounds” of the structure while construction additives / supplements augment particular functionality or property or parameter for which it is used.

This makes a sense when construction chemicals are to be used for a chemical / petrochemical / agrochemical industry / refinery / dairies etc because compatibility of chemicals for their reactivity with the chemicals present around the damaged members stands on highest priority of all selection factors.

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structural rehabilitation

Consequences of delayed actions for structural rehabilitation

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Damaged concrete and steel structures are required to analyses, assesses, inspected and then to be essentially to be taken up for the appropriate measures for ensuring that their structural health is well maintained and they are functionally available throughout their desired functional life.

These actions can be of case specific nature like rehabilitation or retrofitting or refurbishment of strengthening as per the outcome of their damage assessment.

Once the damage is identified under the preliminary visual observation, it needs to be closely inspected so arrive at its seriousness and urgency to attend it. If it is identified to be normal and of non-structural nature, then cosmetic treatment may serve the purpose but if the damage is identified to be structural nature, then it is to systematically designed for upliftment of its functional life.

Delay in taking these measures (as designed) have serious consequences.

The damages like concrete corrosion which is de-polarisation of concrete matrix caused by many reasons; have tendency to grow and propagate to other parts of the member/s without showing any signs on the surface.

This is the most dangerous phenomena.

Such silent damages seldom give any sign of increase in damage till the structure fails or collapses. Time duration between first large crack and final collapse at times, is not even few minutes. More often than not, such failures happen in concrete structures because of their plastic nature with limited elasticity. Concrete corrosion results in quick collapse of a structure after it crosses its plasticity limit.

Unlike this, steel structures have tendency to give indication of a major collapse as compared to concrete structure which never give such pre-indication with significant time lag. Majority of reasons of failure of steel structures is corrosion. This is visible on the surface. The structure with deteriorated structural parameters tends to bend and buckle at a slow speed which is captured under any visual inspection. It gives time to initiate and implement the rectification actions to prevent the collapse.

It is hence necessary, mandatory and advisable for one and all facility owners to ….

  • Regularly inspect the structure and record visual observations.
  • Catch any sign of uncharacteristic symptom on the structure and get it examined by the expert.
  • Act as advised by the expert.

Always approach the all round expert like Accord Specialities Contracting LLC – your one stop solution – in such conditions to prevent and avoid chaos.

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structural damage

Chemistry of structural damage exposed to saline conditions

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Concrete and steel structures exposed to saline and salty environment, get damaged and they are structural damages. They cause chaos at later stage. It is necessary to understand chemistry of these damages to arrive at the perfect rehabilitation method for them.

Concrete matrix essentially consists of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, cement and water. Admixtures are added to the matrix as per the functional need. The concrete matrix exposed to saline environment, gets exposed to the salts present in that medium (liquid or solid or gaseous state). More often than not, Chlorides cover the maximum share in contents of saline medium. Chloride present in saline environment is mostly in unsaturated form and tends to quickly react with the molecule of chemical with befitting characteristics.

Alumina as present in cement which is prime contributor for imparting binding properties to cement in concrete matrix is one of the most easily vulnerable elements whose molecule attracts Chloride ions and gets reacted to form Aluminium Chloride. This form of Aluminium doesn’t contribute to the binding property of cement and accordingly the homogeneity or integrity of concrete matrix which was provided by Alumina of cement gets lost and the matrix becomes heterogeneous. Integrity of the matrix reduces as a result of this process and that gives rise to increase in porosity, water absorption, corrosive chemical ingress etc. These are the signs of structural degradation and deterioration.

The most important step to protect concrete members exposed to saline or salty environment, is to provide the most suitable coating on them for not only protecting them against salt attack but also to protect from other factors which might be accelerating or aggravating the deterioration process. Exposure to saline conditions in interruptions, makes it more difficult for concrete to sustain this condition.

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civil structure

Challenges for civil structures for survival in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Fertilizer Agrochemical and allied Industries

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Civil structures housing operational units, piping, equipment, pumps etc in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Fertilizer Agrochemical and allied Industries, often face aggressively corrosive chemicals, solvents, hydro-carbons etc to which concrete and steel can not resistant. It becomes a significant challenge to ensure sound and strong parameters of cementatious and steel structures in these industries.

The actions in this direction begin with protecting them from getting affected with the corrosive attack of the chemicals and other contaminants. Tailor made treatments to protect the structures from each contaminant or combination of contaminants with different damage potential, are to be selected and applied so that their structural health is maintained and they don’t deteriorate when exposed to corrosive chemicals. This is extremely important because one failure in protection treatment, can allow corrosive chemical to penetrate the pump foundation making the pump to develop vibrate, calling for stopping the pump and hence the production loss!

Even after the care taken to protect the structure; if it develops structural damage, it becomes mandatory to identify the root cause of damage identifying the chemical which caused the damage and then its structural rehabilitation method is to be designed and executed with that base. NDT of damaged structure helps in designing the structural rehabilitation scheme.

As a post treatment action, protecting the rehabilitated surface should not be missed out to ensure that rehabilitated structure performs its desired functional life. 

Accord Speciality Contracting LLC is happy to place here that we possess this unique competency to protect and rehabilitate cementatious and steel structures standing in corrosive environment in Industries without stopping the operational activities.

Accord Specialities Contracting LLC – where challenges are courageously accepted and charmfully resolved

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Being time tested

Being time tested

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

‘Being time tested’ is that certification, recognition and grace which is beyond any comparison.

‘Being time tested’ is difficult achievement but once achieved, it is a sweet taste to chew and cherish.

Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai provides structural damage assessment, structural strengthening and rehabilitation and corrosion mitigation measures under our domain. It is indeed a matter of pride for Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai to be proudly label as ‘time tested’ technocrat vendor.

Giving new life to the structure which is on the threshold of chaotic moment – itself; is a challenge. When this activity passes the acid test of time testing, the versatility of its performer remains iconically significant. Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai proudly enjoys that status.

Although there was no complaint from the facility owner, the structure which was rehabilitated as the first assignment under Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai in year 2017, was recently visited (along with few more which were rehabilitated in the same time slot) for inspection and observation. All the structural parameters of rehabilitated structure were found exactly as designed before 7 years without any deterioration or decay.

Lifespan assurance is a success symbol of Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai.

Time tested Technocrat vendor is a unique identification of Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai.

Quality and timeframe, safety and professionalism, excellence and simplicity are passionately practiced at Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai.

Indeed …

Accord Specialities Contracting LLC, Dubai is just a one stop solution for giving enhanced life to underperforming structures.

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Visual inspection

Visual inspection for structural damage / condition assessment

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Visual inspection and structural damage / condition assessment are two sides of a coin called structural rehabilitation.

Visual inspection is to be very carefully, critically and scrupulously carried out.

Visual inspection lays a foundation of structural damage / condition assessment. Inspection of the surface under address has to be careful and close. Spalling of concrete, deflection of concrete member, cracks, signs of fungus, differential (horizontal or vertical) movement of the member, traces of rust colour on the surface, bulging of member etc are few of many signs of structural damage or deficiency. Width of crack, degree and distance of deflection, buckling width of member, surrounding conditions etc can be found out only with careful and critical visual inspection.

Reason of each defect / deficiency / damage are to be individually evaluated and identified. This is possible only with close and careful visual inspection because it forms a base of further investigation like tests (non-destructive or semi-destructive) to have better idea about root cause of damage. It fairly helps in distress mapping of the member which can lead towards software analysis of the damages to arrive close to identification of particular parameter with its magnitude of loss.

Just as many zeros carry the value only after they follow the ‘figure one’, visual inspection is that ‘figure one’ for all the exercises of structural damage / condition assessment.

It is hence mandatory that the first and foremost step towards structural damage / condition assessment – which is visual inspection – is carried out by an experienced, knowledgeable and an expert technocrat to take the further investigation in the most appropriate direction.

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Structural rehabilitation and safety

Structural rehabilitation and safety

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

Structural rehabilitation and safety are directly related with each other. Usually the structures which are pushed to ‘unsafe’ zone are taken up for their rehabilitation so safety stands on highest priority for all activities under structural rehabilitation.

1.Design Stage:

While designing the rehabilitation method / scheme; cognisance of test results (destructive and non-destructive) is essentially taken. The parameters which are deteriorated are identified under the exercise and the design is prepared to recoup those lost parameters. Care is taken for designing the rehabilitation methodology for critical structures like industrial structures, structures in high-risk seismic zone, coastal structures etc to provide an incremental factor of safety. This is to sustain of higher magnitude of damage expected to affect the structure.

2.Pre-requisites stage:

Once the design is ready, specific and tailor-made pre-requisites are implemented at site. This is the stage where maximum thrust is given to safety measures. If only part structure is to be taken up for rehabilitation, then safety of other part is of high importance to ensure that its stability and soundness is not endangered during rehabilitation of the damaged part of the structure. The part of structure which is not to be taken for rehabilitation is to be properly propped and tied up with external means such that it does not develop structural damages.

3.Execution stage:

The most important stage is execution stage. Removing the damaged portion from the member should be carried out to NOT to exceed standard provisions. Time of the total activity of rehabilitation forms a governing factor in deciding the safety factor to be attached to it. Monitoring the pressure for injection grouting, erecting fresh reinforcement, managing heat of hydration / polymerisation of ingredients of rehabilitation matrix, ensuring strong and sound formwork with strutting, (compensating the pressure exerted by rehabilitation matrix on the formwork tends to deform the formwork) etc are to be very meticulously executed by reviewing each one through critical eyes.

4.Post execution stage:

Safety precautions don’t end with completion of the execution. Post execution care is equally necessary to end up the entire activity without a safety mishap. De-shuttering attracts maximum attention. Reinstatement of finishes or services on rehabilitated surface requires specific address to safety factor to ensure that it is carried out after the member has been completely cured and hydrated.

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Structural rehabilitation, stringent timeframe and facility downtime

Er. Chirag K Baxi, Director, Prudent Forensic Consultancy Private Limited., & General Manager, K K Retroflex Solutions

When any structure is taken up for its strengthening or rehabilitation or refurbishment or retrofitting for its rectification, the point of nonavailability of the structure or facility stands on high priority. This is also called as outage of the facility or the structure. Although it is more significant for industrial sector, it is equally important for residential or commercial or other facility or structure.

Planning of structural uplift action for any facility must be invariably made considering the time for which it won’t be available for use. While this outage of the facility calls for optional arrangement for housing the functional activities happening in it, expenses would also include shifting and re-shifting the infrastructure, effects on output of the occupants etc. When it is considered for any industry, it directly affects the production loss and hence more often than not such activities are differed unless they become utmost essential bringing the structure to the threshold of ‘unsafe’ category.

Whatever the structure may be, it is essential to have a strict control over the execution schedule of structural strengthening or rehabilitation or refurbishment or retrofitting such that down time or outage of the facility housing the activity would not be prohibitive for it.

Timely execution of any retrofit activity is a service to Nation. It is economical, it saves energy and resources, it reduces outage of availability of the facility, it gives an opportunity to take up further more assignments, it makes the client of the facility owner satisfaction and happiness.

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