Er. Chirag K Baxi, a specialist in Corrosion and Forensic Engineering, defines passion as an intense desire to pursue activities with unwavering dedication until success is achieved.

  • He possesses diverse passions, including writing, acting in short films, and a deep spiritual inclination, which drive him to excel in various endeavours.
  • He has authored books on a wide array of subjects, ranging from Mythology to romantic love stories, and has compiled two collections of short stories in his native language.
  • He has also showcased his linguistic prowess by translating a book from his mother tongue into English and has also published two technical books.
  • The passion for writing and learning has roots as far back as 1982, when he took on the challenging task of translating two beautiful stories into Malayalam, one of India’s toughest languages.
  • Despite his background in Civil Engineering, his intense passion has driven him to explore the intricacies of corrosion and polymers.
  • His passion also includes in expertise of handling structures affected by fire and blast. It also includes mitigating vibrations of high RPM machines by foundation treatment.
  • His article on the last point had been published in Constro Facilitator. He is also going to give a write up related to fire affected structures and blast affected structures. Details about vibration Which can be picked up from my articles in ConstroFacilitator

With his profound passion fueling his pursuits, Er. Chirag K Baxi has emerged as a truly accomplished individual, adept at combining diverse interests and knowledge in his journey of self-discovery and achievement. He is also a

  • Life member of Institution of Engineers (India) in Member category.
  • Inventor and patent holder for a product with which concreting is possible even with salty, saline or sea water.
  • Written 3 draft IS Codes and 2 books on the areas of my expertise.
  • Member of (Civil Engineering Division) CED 5 of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
  • Felicitated by India Chapter of American Concrete Institute for significant contribution in Civil Engineering.



Papers Presented

1) “Concrete under severe conditions” for Norwegian Concrete Association in 1996 at International Seminar. (Paper published but could not be personally presented)

2) “Adversities and time bound rehabilitation in civil engineering as emerging in next millennium” in 1999 for MSU Alumni Association at National Seminar. (Paper published and personally presented)

3) “Rehabilitation of concrete structures in Industrial area using Polymers” in 2003 for EPICONS – Friends of Concrete at National Seminar. (Paper published and personally presented)

4) “Rain water recharge activities at GNFC” in 2005 for Gujarat Pollution Control Board at State level Seminar. (Paper published and personally presented)

5) “Weir cum causeway on river Narmada to arrest salinity due to back (sea) water” for Industries around Dahej (Western Gujarat region) region in 2006 at District level presentation in awareness program. (Paper personally presented)

6) “Rehabilitation and retrofitting of damaged Lime silo during explosion at GNFC” in Sept. 2006 at an International Conference on “Protection of Structures against Hazards” organized by CI-Premier Pte. Ltd., Singapore at Venice, Italy, (Paper published and personally presented)

7) “Principles of Structural Rehabilitation in Industrial Area” in 2007 for American Concrete Institute at International Conference on Forensic Engineering. (Paper published and personally presented)

8) “Formwork – a concrete quality tool” for CI-Premier Pte. Ltd., Singapore in August. 2011 at Singapore. (Paper published and personally presented)

9) “Case study of “Retrofitting and Rehabilitating damaged Lime Silo of NP Complex during explosion at GNFC” in December 2011 for Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad at National Conference on “Diagnoses, Repair and protection of Concrete structures. (Paper published and personally presented)

10) Chaired a Technical session in Nov. 2012 at an International Conference on “Protection of Structures against Hazards” organized by CI-Premier Pte. Ltd., Singapore at Singapore.

11) “Principles of Structural Rehabilitation in Industrial Area” in Nov. 2013 at University Malaya, Malaysia. (Paper published and personally presented)

12) “Concreting with sea water” in Jan. 2016 at Kuala Lumpur chapter of American Concrete Institute, Malaysia. (Paper published and personally presented)

13) “Concreting with salty, saline or sea water” published in Oct. 2016 issue of Master Builder, India. (Paper published in Civil Engineering related magazine in India).

14) “Repair and Rehabilitation of Industrial Building structures” in Jan. 2017 at SVMIT, Bharuch. (Paper published and personally presented)

15) “Adverse effects of sea water on construction” in Feb. 2017 for IWWA at SVMIT, Bharuch.(Paper published and personally presented)

16) “Principles of Structural Rehabilitation” in Dec. 2018 issue of Master Builder Magazine.(Paper published in monthly magazine)

17) “Steel corrosion and its protection measures” in June. 2019 issue of Web Magazine published by Constro Facilitator. (Paper published in web magazine)

18) “Quality assurance in construction” in July. 2019 issue of Web Magazine published by Constro Facilitator. (Paper published in web magazine)

19) “Post COVID 19 scenario for different sectors” virtual webinar (with other three speakers) in May 2020 organized by The Association for Sustainable Engineering (ASEN).

20) “Sustainability with Environment protection and Energy conservation” Technical paper published in Oct-Dec journal by ASEN.

21) “Protection and care of concrete” – first solo webinar Organized by JK Cement Limited on 19th December 2020.

22) “Concrete corrosion – an overview” on 29th January 2021 under International Conference (virtual) on Corrosion Management organized by Confergo, New Delhi.

23) “Concrete Protection and Care” on 4th February 2021 under Short Term Training Program (virtual) on Rehabilitation of old structures organized by C K Pithawala College in association with Surat chapter of Institution of Engineers (India).

24) “Concrete Construction a Civil Engineer’s view” on 20th February 2021 organized by S N Patel Institute, Umrekh, Navsari, Gujarat.

25) “Career scope for Mechanical Engineers in Industry as on date” – a motivational and inspirational talk for Mechanical Engineers on 20th February 2021 organized by S N Patel Institute, Umrekh, Navsari, Gujarat.

26) “Examining Technical posters from students of Institute” – On-line examination of poster presentation by students of C. K. Pithawala college on 4th March 2021 organized by C. K. Pithawala college, Surat, Gujarat.

27) “Non Destructive Testing for under performing structures” on 19th May 2021 organized by Institute of Asset Integrity and Reliability Management (AIRM) in webinar on the theme of ‘Advanced NDT and Inspection Techniques for Plant Maintenance’.

28) “Method to manufacture sustainable concrete” on 10th November 2021 organized by Vadodara local chapter of Institution of Engineers (India) on Power day celebration occasion.

29) “Corrosion control in Construction Industry” on 18th November 2021 organized by Academy of Concrete Technology (AOCT), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in Online webinar of 04 hours.

... and many more