Corrosion and forensic engineering present challenges in accurately identifying & understanding the root causes of failures or structural degradation, especially when multiple factors are involved. There is a need for an expert to address these challenges by combining knowledge from metallurgy, material science, civil engineering, & advanced testing methods.

Er. C K Baxi possesses a unique set of qualities that allow him to analyse challenging conditions swiftly & arrive at appropriate solutions. When faced with multiple complexities simultaneously, he excels in evaluating the gravity of the situation using his expertise as a consultant for Corrosion & Forensic Engineering.

As a specialist in Metallurgical & Corrosion Engineering, he follows a thorough analysis approach, which forms the basis for all his evaluations & interpretations. He carefully examines a structure, combining systematic & interdisciplinary approach, by conducting thorough inspections, utilising different evaluation techniques & leveraging historical data. Based on the analysis he proposes the most suitable solution, to the client for bringing the structure back to its operational state. He always considers economic factors in his advice, ensuring cost-effectiveness in his recommendations.


He remains closely connected to real-world situations, ensuring that the ideas and concepts developed in his office are effectively implemented in the field. An essential aspect of his methodology involves listening to everyone connected with the challenging condition to grasp the ground reality thoroughly. Superficial information holds no value according to him. Additionally, he continually updates himself with the latest developments in his field of expertise, showcasing his exemplary quality of staying informed.

He dares to advocate and promote bold concepts when they are necessary for finding the right solutions. Regular interactions with technocrats contribute to enhancing his knowledge and approach, making him a modern technocrat.

Furthermore, he extends his domain by sharing his applied knowledge through personal interactions, seminars, and webinars. This commitment to knowledge sharing makes him an influential figure in his Corrosion and Forensic Engineering.

Corroded Structural Steel


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