Managing construction of any magnitude needs a focussed attention for completing the assignment within time frame and budget with all necessary safety measures.
Construction Management has many tools and faces which are ultimately to be interlinked to make the assignment successful. Few of them are briefly discussed below.
- Safe and conceptually clear structural design.
The structural design of the unit to be taken up for construction has to be very clear and safe. Any ambiguity or inadequacy or incomplete detailing leads to loss of time and efforts for necessary rectification. The pre-requisite for safe and clear structural design is conceptual clarity with the facility owner. Functionality of the unit to be taken up for construction must be well defined and conveyed to the structural designer so that the factors to be considered for structural design are properly addressed and nothing is left unattended. Change in functionality than the one which was conceived will have its effects on structural design. A commercial complex can’t be used as an industrial unit.
- Resource Management.
Once the structural design and drawings are available for execution, then the next step Is to identify the resources for execution.
Resources compile of two types – skilled workforce and consumable materials with necessary tools and tackles.
Once the structural design is frozen, resources have to be sourced and allocated for the assignment with commitment of their availability upto the total execution period. Sourcing of materials with necessary tools and tackles also needs to be ensured and confirmed for their uninterrupted availability throughout the execution period.
- Activity synchronization.
Synchronization of all the activities involved for the assignment is very important with sequencing them so that they are executed without any obstruction and also without causing any uncalled-for safety hazard. Sequencing them is very essential because any alteration in the chronological sequence of the activities can be unsafe for the construction action. Squeezing the time frame attached with any activity – if it is called for, can be carried out under this tool for the ultimate benefit to the project.
- Commercial balance between input cost and output gain.
It is mandatory to monitor commercial side of any construction activity.
Flow of funds should be balanced on their input side and outflow direction. If inflow gets obstructed, then the entire economics gets affected with its cascading effects on the overall execution schedule.
Fund outflow (in form of payment to the suppliers or interest charges) is also equally important. It has its implications on interest charges (if the funding of the project is outsourced).
- External factors.
External factors like environmental effects, neighbouring structures, natural calamities, riots etc can affect the construction schedule. They can’t be controlled by the construction team and hence they have to be resolved by taking help of local authorities.
- Safety aspects.
Safety is a mental attitude. It always stands on top of all the activities on field. Construction management is incomplete without adherence to safety.
The domain of safety covers personal safety as well as safety of the structure under construction.
It is a fact that ten minor or ‘near-mis’ accidents lead to one major accident. Hence all out efforts are necessary for plugging all the unsafe acts so that safety matter is perfectly adhered during the construction.
The result of any unsafe act is chaotic and ends up in loss of time, energy and moral for execution of the work.
- Time Management.
Time has always remained crux of any activity. Timely actions are bound to give results and if actions have not been taken in time, they can bring only agonies.
Time factor in construction activities have direct influence on economics of the assignment. Any delay in executing one or more activities ends up in delay in putting the unit (under construction) to use which is direct loss of production / remuneration expected from the unit. Delay in execution period also affects the execution cost where more than estimated manpower are consumed in execution at higher cost of consumable materials for execution.