Cementatious structures are often found with (excessive) hidden humidity even after the curing period is complete. This is a serious factor affecting the functional performance of that structure or member.
- It affects binding action and hence integrity of the concrete matrix.
Integrity of a member is of utmost importance for its long functional life. Hidden humidity within the member affects hard binding action of concrete ingredients and then the integrity deteriorates.
- It attacks reinforcement steel and corrodes it.
Reinforcement steel exposed to humidity at a close distance can easily corrode fast.

- It affects the stability of protective or decorative resinous coating applied on the surface of structure or member. It also obstructs the process of development of bond between the mother surface and any other treatment to be applied on the surface of structure or member.
Any resinous protective or decorative coating or treatment must be applied on the member only after its internal humidity has been completely evaporated.
- It affects the plans to modify or refurbish the structure or member to take additional load or for change of the functionality of structure or member.
Members having hidden humidity for any reason for a long time is normally not found fit for its structural or functional modification. This becomes a big challenge especially for industries.